
New mom - not sure how to tell if he is getting enough milk?

I am totally stressed out about this issue!  My LO is a week old today.  My milk came in on Saturday, but I was engorged and didn't realize it, and also didn't realize until late that night that he wasn't able to get any milk.  I figured that issue out and on Sunday he seemed to be doing great.  Not as fussy, I could see milk on his lips and mouth after eating, and he started having frequent wet diapers.  By Monday and Tuesday I was feeling pretty good about how it was going, but today has me completely stressed out again.  He wanted to eat all day long, and never seem satisfied.  I would be fine with that as long as I know he is getting enough, but I freaked out thinking maybe he isn't able to get milk and therefore is always hungry.

One thing I noticed is that on Sunday and Monday my breasts felt full and hard until he ate and then they felt soft again until it got closer to it was time for him to eat again.  But, today, my breasts have never felt hard/full.  I wonder if it is because he has been eating so much more or if it is because I am not producing milk.

I just pumped to see how much I could get to see if that would tell me what he is getting - not even sure if that would be the same amount, and I only got 1 ounce (total) after about 10 mins).

This new, anxious, sleep deprived mom would appreciate any thoughts.

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