
FTM with pumping question

LO was born 2 weeks ago tomorrow (YAY!!) and for the first 24 hours, she latched just fine and was eating fine.  Then, she just stopped.  I think we both got a little frustrated because I had a c section and for the first few days, couldnt move her to where she needed to be on my own, someone always had to help.  So, we went to pumping and bottle feeding.  The pediatrician, the at home nurse, and even the nurses at the hospital have all told me that I need to get her to latch or my supply is going to go down.  How quickly does that happen?  I want to be able to supply milk for LO for as long as possible. Also, sometimes I just cant pump every 3 or 4 hours.  Is this really bad, and am I doing bad??  I guess I just need to know what I can do to maximize my supply and feed my daughter!  Thanks a bunch!
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