
Possible lipase issue...need advice

I'm a SAHM but I pump once a day so DH can give a bottle in the evenings. I usually pump 6-8 oz so I've been freezing the extra for emergencies. I've started thawing the oldest milk for the evening bottle so my stash is properly rotated. Last night DH commented that the milk smelled bad and LO wasn't taking the bottle very well.

 I've read on Kellymom about lipase and fat breakdown in frozen milk. I guess if I had to choose between whether or not the milk smelled soapy or "bad" then I'd pick soapy. Today we tried a bottle that was half thawed milk and half fresh, and LO still wasn't into it.

 How do I know for sure that lipase is the issue? Kellymom says you can scald milk before freezing, but can I do that with defrosted milk? I have over 100 oz in the freezer and REALLY don't want it to all be worthless : ( I know the milk isn't harmful but it's not serving any purpose if LO won't drink it. Help please! 

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