
New Here - Feeling Lost

Hi!  I'm new here, and haven't even had time to change my tickers, etc. yet - as I have been caring for my new little guy.  He is two weeks old, and WAS nursing well - however, now I can't seem to figure him out!  He was nursing about 8 to 10 times a day, 20 minutes on each side, with burps in between (and a little gas). 

As of this week, however, he is inconsolable.  He wants to cluster feed unpredictably (sometimes during the day and sometimes at night.  I tried pumping some extra milk so my husband could give him a bottle, but he just pigs out on the bottle and then spits up almost all of it.  Then he goes back to crying unless he is held (even then he cries - just less). 

 I feel like I have a whole different baby compared to how he was in the first two weeks.  He seems miserable, all he does he eat and cry!  The round the clock feeding is really taking a toll on me as well - I understand that breastfeeding is best for him, but I feel like I'm not a person or a mother anymore, just a milk machine. 

Does anyone have any advice on how to get through this?  I am considering trying to pump more (although WHEN is a good question, since he feeds all the time), or supplementing with formula.  Any advice is appreciated!   

Expecting our first baby in April 2012! BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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