3rd Trimester

XP: "Just Wait"

Last week I read a post on the 2nd tri board where the OP was getting incredibly tired of hearing things like "just wait until your baby keeps you awake all night"; "just wait until you have to clean a diaper explosion off of the cat"; blah blah blah. I think we can all relate to that. Someone else posted a link to a blog post, where the blogger talked about how she overheard some poor MTB being told the same things, and wanted to (or did, I can't remember) turn around, smile, and say "just wait until you hold that baby in your arms for the first time. You have so much joy ahead of you".

I thought it might be nice if we all put together our own positive 'just waits', since being pregnant seems to come with a neon sign that says "please, strangers, tell me all of your horror stories about parenting". Who knows, maybe the Bump Bosses might even be interested in making them into a book!

Please do share below :)   
(If you can, mark them with a little 1T, 2T, 3T, B, [number]M, [number]Y to indicate which trimester/birth/age range they 'belong' in)

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