3rd Trimester

CMV during pregnancy? Anyone know anything?

During the past month I've been put through a lot. I got sick at the beginning of March and was put in the hospital. I was tested for mono and Epstein Barr, but were negative. Then I was released and not allowed to go back to work, but not on bedrest. I think the doc was afraid of me getting sick again. Then I started have liver problems and was referred to maternal-fetal medicine (mfm) for possible Cholestasis, which was negative. MFM tested me for all these weird viruses like Toxoplasmosis and CMV. Well I got the results back today. Both the IGG and IGM came back positive. And the reference range for IGG is >6 is positive and mine is 18. I haven't talked to the MFM docs yet. The test results are emailed to me, so I just got them. I know nothing about this, but from what I've read, it seems scary. Does anyone know anything about this?
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