Parenting after a Loss

ugh...logistics (NBR/ventish)

So we got a phone call yesterday that DH's grandfather is not doing well.  They are not expecting that he will live much longer.  This being the case, DH is making a trip with his bro to go see his Gpa one last time.  Good for DH...complicated for me.  DH will be gone for (probably) no less that 1 week.  Thankfully, my parent's were already coming to visit for Easter and will be able to come a few days early to help me out.  However, they have to go back home next Monday. 

If DH has to be gone much longer than 1 week, I'm up a stinkin' creek!  I am already needing to find someone to work for me tomorrow, and the search is not going well.  I hate to call in, but there really is no other option if I can't find someone willing to work for me.  On top of that, if DH can't make it home by Monday, I will have to call in AGAIN!  I already had to call in for the first time since DD was born because she was sick. 

I know it may be necessary, but the timing just stinks.  I don't want people at work to get the wrong idea since the call in's would end up being so close together.  I don't regularly call in, so hopefully they would realize that it really is necessary. 

Ugh.  I really am glad DH is getting to go, and am willing to do whatever is necessary to help make that happen.  But seriously, things are getting crazy complicated.  I hope all this worry and stress ends up being unwarrented and things go smoothly.  Anyway, thanks to anyone who actually read all of this. 

Nov. 19, 2010 BFP #1--m/c Dec. 24th, 2010 First cycle after m/c on Feb. 2, 2011--March 8th, 2011 BFP #2 EDD Nov. 19, 2011. Nadia Dorothy Grace born on 11-18-11 @ 3:04pm 6lbs 14oz Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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