3rd Trimester

Those with depression/anxiety issues

I have had a combo of mild depression, anxiety and OCD since I turned 30.     It literally started around my birthday, yipee!!!!

I have been taking something on and off for what is now 7 years.    When pregnant with DD I took lexapro 10mg the entire time and within 3 days of delivery, upped the dose to 20mg.    I felt some PPD coming on.

I switched to celexa about 11 months ago.    I am currently on 30mg of it.   I met with my psych regarding a "plan" for after delivery.    She said that if I need to up the dose to do so right away to 40mg.

Do any of you have a "plan" in place?    IF so, what is the plan?    What meds are you currently taking?     Are you planning on switching or starting something right after delivery?


Thanks ladies! 

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