3rd Trimester

Noah Thomas birth story

Noah Thomas was born on march 24, 2012 at 39 weeks 2 days. My amniotic fluid was low at our 39 week appointment. 4.4 cm and anything under 5 cm is not good. So we were sent to L and D. Pitocin was started on march 23 at 1:30 pm, at 3 :30 am on the 24th my water fully broke and gushed, after leaking in the exam table at the doctor's office. I was then at 4 cm and an epidural was given, even though I was in very little pain. But Lo was sunny side up, and not facing down, so by ob stated that it would probably be a ver painful delivery. I labored until 11 am and by 11:30 am was pushing. After 3 hours of pushing, Lo's hb was dropping, and he refused to engage. I found out his head was stuck between my spine and my right hip bone....I found this out after asking them to lower my epidural so I would better feel the contractions. Bad idea. With Lo's hb dropping at this point, I was rushed for an emergency c-section. Noah's head was so stuck, that they had a hard time getting him out. But at 6:38 pm Noah was born, happy and healthy at 8 pounds 3.6 oz! He is a great baby, very calm. He only cries when hungry and loves bm. We got to go home 3 days later! Could not be happier to have him home wit us!
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