3rd Trimester

[unwanted] visitors at the hospital

I have to have a c-section this June. If that wasn't scary enough, because c-sections are scheduled surgeries, my entire family has made plans to be at the hospital for the birth.

I know I should feel excited that they all want to come and share this experience with my husband, LO and I...but I don't. When LO was born, my family and inlaws came for the birth, but then left shortly afterward (because I was exhausted, and it was late by the time LO got here), and it was perfect. My husband and I had so much time to enjoy being a new family of three.

With this baby, everyone has already made plans (and taken vacation time off) to come and staaaaay in the city where we live (2-3 hours away from everyone), and it is making me soooo stressed!

I don't want anyone to be around a lot or feel like I have to cover up when I'm nursing when I'm at the hospital, but we need the help because we have a 1 year old who needs to be taken care of while we're at the hospital.

What are all of your plans for visitors while you stay at the hospital? Any moms been through awkward situations like mine before? I need some advice!

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