3rd Trimester

When to order baby furniture?

Hi ladies, I'm popping in from 1st tri with a question.  A couple of friends have told me that it takes awhile to get the baby furniture in, so when is a good time to start ordering baby furniture?  TIA!
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TTC #1 since Sept 2010
DX = Endo and right tube blocked
IUI #1-3 - 50mg Clomid, 75iu Gonal, Ovidrel, Progesterone = BFN
IVF #1 - ER = 9R, 9M, 8F; 5DT of 1 embryo (3 frosties) = BFP!!
Beta #1 (17dpo) = 496, Beta #2 (20dpo) = 1318, Beta #3 (22dpo) = 2190
EDD Oct 9, 2012
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