3rd Trimester

anyone lose a parent shortly before/after getting pregnant? please come in

Hi all,  i lost my amazing mother to cancer about 2 months before DH and i found out we were having a baby.  it has been very diffficult grieving and being pregnant at the same time but i have a$ways known baby has a guadian angel in heaven watching over him/her.  we had been ttc since before my mom went on hospice and my mom knew that and picked out some baby names for us, which will be a wonderful way to honor her.  i'm 36 wks tomorrow and as baby time gets closer i have found myself having a really hard time thinking about going through this and without her.  she was so excited about being a grandma some day and would have been an amazing grandmother because she was an amazing mother to me.  my dad is still living and DH's parents too and this baby will have so many people to love and spoil him/her but i feel like i got ripped off not having my mom around and feel so sad that LO wont know an amazing grandma.  anyway, thanks for listening to my vent-i was working in the nursery just now and for some reason it just hit me hard today- grief is a strange creature.  if anyone elseis experiencing this, i'd love to hear from you, and know you aren't alone.  Here's to focusing on the future and healthy and happy babies, what a blessing!
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