3rd Trimester

tummy hard

Hi there, i am 36 weeks tomorrow, we are not sure of the dates though, my ob says i could deliver anywhere from april 2nd (tmrw) to may 2nd, my due date is april 29th.  The reason I am posting today, is because i have gone into L&D a few times already, once i though my water broke, the 2nd i was bleeding and the 3rd i thought i lost my mucus plug and i called and they told me to come in because the baby wasnt moving either, I went in to find out that my cervix is shortening, they didnt check to see how effaced i was or anything, just sent me home. Now i am experiencing the top of my tummy going rock hard then soft again, along with strong pelvic pressure. Everyone is telling me that i am just paranoid, this is my sencond pregnancy last was 5 years ago and he was 10 days over, had to be induced twice. the only pain i experienced with that pregnancy was my gall stones...if anyone could please help me out that would be great!!


P.S i have been vomiting and have had soft bowel movements for the last couple of days


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