3rd Trimester

The beginning of labor?

So, I'm 5 days past my due date.  I've been patiently waiting this whole time, 50% effaced, no dilation and no signs of anything.  I haven't lost my mucus plug, and have not had a "bloody show."  Last night I started to get a little achey, almost like that feeling before one gets their period (assuming everyone feels the way I do before their period).  Achey thigh muscles, achey vagina, not painful but achey feeling lower stomach.  I went to bed to some braxton hicks contractions, enough for me to notice them (one after the other) nothing long or painful, just that feeling of my stomach tensing up and my chest and face feeling super hot.  It's morning now, and I woke up to more acheyness, this time more concentrated in my lower abdomen, not painful, just achey achey.  My pelvic bone has been hurting a lot more than last week.  I've gotten some waves of nausea (no vomiting) and when I peed a bit ago there was a very very pale hint of blood when I wiped.  When I looked in the toilet there was a pale streak of blood.  Very pale, like pink lemonade. Anyone else have a similar experience?  Is this my body dilating or getting ready? Is labor soon, or a couple days away?  I'm a FTM so I have no idea.  Oh also, my boobs have been getting this short but sharp shooting pain in them since last night.  Almost like little needle pricks.


Any help is much appreciated! 

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