3rd Trimester

Nausea coming back?

As I've been moving into 3rd trimester in the last week, I've noticed some nausea coming back. I had a really terribly time for the first 14 or 15 weeks of my pregnancy - really throwing up ALL the time, barely able to get out of bed - but my second trimester was a complete dream. Nausea stopped, and I felt fantastic for the most part, despite carrying the hugest baby known to man :)

Anyway, in the past week, I've noticed I'm starting to get a little nauseous in the evenings again. So far, I haven't actually gotten sick, but it's come close a few times. Anyone else experience this later in pregnancy, or is it maybe a fluke, something I'm eating, etc.? 

I felt so great during 2nd tri, it would be a real bummer to go back to being nauseous on top of now being huge.


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