3rd Trimester

Houseguest with MRSA

Not sure how to handle this or if I should even be concerned.

As I type this- there is a couple who is friends with my husband at our house to watch March Madness. The guy spent last weekend in the hospital because he has contracted MRSA. He was released Sunday and I am assuming he has been taking his antibiotics this entire week. I know he had to stay home from work this week on doctors orders. His girlfriend is also on antibiotics.

From what I have found out about MRSA once you have contracted it you are always a carrier of it and I could just as easily pick it up at the grocery store, library or any public place.

I am a bit concerned because I am 31 weeks pregnant and obviously we all know that you are limited with what medications you can take when you're pregnant so I am a little nervous about being around this couple so soon after he found out he has it and is actually still in the process of taking antibiotics.

Thoughts? Am I being too crazy? Should I bleach my house after they leave? Tell them to leave? LOL Not sure how to confront this situation. I would LIKE to think that any person who is in the process of taking antibiotics or has something like strep, or any type of cold would have some common courtesy and not share it....especially with a pregnant chick.  


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