3rd Trimester


I woke up in the morning and immediately felt reallllyyy dizzy, like I thought I was going to pass out. I lay down for a minute again but my world was spining around like I had been drinking for 6 hours and staring at my ceiling O.o

I forced myself to eat and drink something, because I also have GD and thought my sugars might be low. But they were fine.

Work was hard and I had to keep my head down a few times till I felt stable enough to keep working.

My mom thinks baby was pressing on a nerve which caused me to be dizzy... but Im not sure. My nutritionist called to check up on me and I told her how I was feeling and she kind of freaked out and told me to watch my sugars like a hawk for the day.

What could have caused it? My sugars were normal, so I really dont think it was that, and baby pressing on a nerve? Im not sure... or was it just a random pregnant thing.

~?~ Chellezy ~?~ Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers
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