3rd Trimester

Called in sick today...work tomorrow?? Advice needed

It all sarted at abot 10am yesterday morning, at work, I got super hot all of the sudden and my head started pounding and I felt completely neausious. I was so hot I had to open both office windows and was still sweating, everyone else was freezing as it was about 40 degrees yesterday. After work I came home and took a 2hr nap and started feeling a llittle better so tried eating dinner. (I hadn't eaten all day for fear of throwing up at work)...BIG mistake, neautiousness returned along with terrible stomach cramps. This continued off and on all night and when my alarm went off this morning I felt completely like crap! But I was determined that I was going to try to go to work, as I HATE being sick from work. As soon as I got out of bed...BLAH had to stumble to the toilet and then after had around of extreme stomach cramps....laid on the bathroom floor until my husband came and helped me back to bed. He then told me not to go to work. So I called off at 6am and I don't think my boss is super happy about it, but there was no way I was going to make it in. Went back to sleep for about 3 hours and got a message from my boss that one of the other girls offered to work for me tomorrow morning but I have to let them know in the next couple hours. I have no idea how I'm going to feel tomorrow...should I take the help and extra day to recover??  If I feel ok tomorrow and I don't work then I'll feel stupid for not working when I could have....but I also don't want to pass a stomach bug around work . WDYT? WWYD?? I need some advice as I have a tendency to push myself too far when it comes to work and my dr. keeps yelling at me for it. I don't want to end up on bedrest, nor do I want my job to not hire me back after I have the baby (I don't qualify for maternity leave so I have to quit and be rehired).
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker MrsMommie
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