3rd Trimester

Laughable 3rd Trimester Moment

I am sure you can all relate to being hyper-aware of symptoms of labor at the later stages of the game. My MFM thinks I will be going early due to lots of fluid and a HUGE baby at almost 35 weeks so fresh off that appointment I have been very very alert to any changes in my body.

Anyways, so last night DH and I were getting ready to go on date night, and I went pee in the master bathroom while he was getting dressed in our room. When I went to throw the toilet paper in the toilet, I noticed several beige clumps of a substance floating in the water below me...I started yelling, "I am losing my mucus plug! It is starting! It's still too soon I wanted a few more weeks at least!" etc etc.

DH sits on the bed hysterically laughing and explains that DS was in our room earlier with him and crushed up an animal cracker, so he had just thrown it in the toilet to get rid of it.

Oops. I clearly need to cool it.

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