3rd Trimester

Positive Doctor Appt last night--just had to share..

Good morning fellow bumpies.. :)

 I had a doctor appointment last night..our baby girl looks good--she is 4lbs 5oz already (and I'm 32 weeks tomorrow) and in the "head down" position..I posted earlier in the week here saying I had a panic attack cause of BH and feeling her move like crazy..maybe she was turning.. :)

I got good results on blood work done..put on 6lbs (although I lost 4lbs and now put on 6lbs so in reality gained 2 I guess which isn't so bad)..Honestly at this point my weight gain is not an issue unless the baby gets too big..I came home feeling so relieved that she was ok..

Happy Friday all! Hope everyone is feeling good.. :)

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