3rd Trimester

more MIL drama--vent

SO...Those of you who discussed my MIL troubles with me before hand, which can be found here---->


if you would like to catch up, lol....

Here is a most recent update to the MIL drama.. I am totally sick of it and totally clueless on what to do with this situation!

 So to add to all of that:

 I had my baby shower on the 25th of March. Which of course, I invited her. I had to send her a formal invitation and waste postage (even though she lives literally 5 minutes away) bc she would not accept it by hand or word of mouth...umm what?

So anyways, She brought NOTHING to the shower. Didn't say hello, didn't give me a hug, didn't bring LO so much as a pacifier!!!!!

 Not to mention about four different people came up to me asking what her problem was bc she was making rude uncalled for comments about me, my size (ive lost ten lbs during this pregnancy) and this pregnancy in general. I didn't ask what was said, even though I probably should have, but I figured I dont need anymore reasons to dislike her than I already have.

 I am just soooo fed up.  Opinions of what I should do?


(I have talked to DH and while he agrees that she is in the wrong, there is nothing he can do to help with the situation. They have a funny relationship like that. She goes on binges and treats him like he is lower than dirt, then feels bad a few months later and tries to shower him with gifts, only for the cycle to repeat a few months later. AND unfortunately the love he has for his mother, no matter how rotten she may be to him or to me, he still can't stand up to her, which I can understand bc I am the same way with my mom, even though my mom is totally excited and supportive. )


It is just a situation I am so tired of dealing with, and all the extra emotions that come with being pregnant, don't help matters at all! :(


On the bright side, only 37 days left till LO's DD! :D

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