3rd Trimester

NBR... Freaking out about sister's accident..

This might get long and is probably disturbing, but I needed somewhere to get this out without upsetting my family any more or crying like an idiot.

I have a little sister, she's 15 and cognitively impaired. After my stepdad took off I helped my mom raise my younger siblings, they're like my own kids, and she's always been my girl. We shared a bed as kids and we had all these songs I'd sing her to sleep with. I'm staying at my mom's while my boyfriend and I finish getting our house up to code. She was complaining yesterday that she had a bad headache, so we gave her some medicine and she slept most of the day. She got up around 9 and ate dinner and played with our nephew and seemed fine. My mom, my other sister and I were sitting on the couch and heard a weird noise. Sierra (the 15 year old) is obsessed with horror movies so I thought at first she was watching something on the computer in the other room. It sounded (sorry for being graphic, I know this is morbid which is why I can't say it to anyone here) like the gurgle when someone's throat is cut in a movie. But the noise kept going, so I got up and walked into the hall and the bathroom door stops an inch or two above the floor, and I could see all this blood pooled up behind it. More than I've ever seen in my life.

I called my mom and my sister called 911, in the end it turned out she passed out and broke her nose/hurt her teeth and tongue and lip on the corner of the sink. But I swear, I was convinced she'd cut her throat somehow and I was listening to her die while my mom tried to wake her up. It took hours to stop shaking. She's in the hospital being tested now for a brain aneurism because it came on so quickly and her grandpa had some genetic thing that caused them in his heart, but nothing has turned up so far. Waiting on the spinal tap results.

I know she's pretty much okay right now, she's back to normal and didn't shed a tear when they reset her nose or anything... I just can't get out of my head that sound she was making and the pool around her head. I know staying so stressed is bad for the baby... I just needed to get out what I was thinking to SOMEONE I guess. I can't bring up thoughts like that when everyone is already so worried here.
IAmPregnant Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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