3rd Trimester

Why can't I have a normal MIL..(sorta long)

Seriously...Why can't I have a MIL who is supportive for me and my child...and realize that I will be the mother to this child....NOT HER

 Im so sick of it...I can't avoid her because shes always around...Always finding a reason to call..or stop by...I feel like my child will be her new "accessory" to take with her wherever she pleases...just to show off to her friends. The women does not have a job..and spends her days annoying DH or shopping...

Yesterday she proceeds to tell me what I will be dressing my child in for Fourth of July...and that I must bring him to a Country Club party where the youngest person there will probably be her (60)...so the baby can be shown off to all of her BFFs. I am sorry...but I am 25..and that is the last place I want to spend my Fourth of July....

 I love when she acts like shes a doctor. "OH DH has brown hair and brown eyes...and the males ALWAYS dominate..so there is no chance that your child will have your blonde hair or blue eyes."  " Oh DH sucked his thumb..and that's hereditary..so your child will suck his thumb" "Oh DH never slept through the night..so your child will never sleep through the night" ...I am sorry...but since when did she think that I was giving birth to the exact CLONE of my husband?

 Did I mention that she did not get me one SINGLE item off of my registry that I WANTED?!?!?? Sure she got me a pack and play...I wanted the Mickey Mouse one...but she found a yellow and grey one at target that was on sale..so she took it off my registry bc thats what SHE WANTED to do! And I swear if she buys one more UGLY outfit I am going to scream. She gets what she likes...and what she thinks is cute...not what I will actually need or want to put on him?? I am sorry..but i refuse to put my child in a light blue sailor outfit with a white bowtie....

People (including my mother)  tell me to just nod and smile with whatever she says...and I TRY SOOOOOOO HARD...but when she says something every 5 seconds..." Oh you won't be doing that with your child..thats too hard" or  "Oh well when I was pregnant..I never did that...bla bla bla" 

 And any time that I try to ignore her..or god forbid...say NO to her...she pitches a fit like a 12 year old girl and gives me the silent treatment and turns the whole family against me (except DH). I try to have DH talk to her and tell her that she's driving me crazy...but of course..then she goes into denial mode. " I don't do that...why would you think i do that"


 I think im gonna need therapy when this is all over. Im about at my breaking point.

 AHHH Thanks for listening...I needed to get that out..haha

Any thoughts or ideas on how to deal with a crazy person will be much appreciated! :) 

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