3rd Trimester

annoyed they are venting to me....

So this prob shouldn't be as annoying as it is... but it is.

 quick background, my best friend since grade school was very uninvolved during my wedding planning.  

Now that I am having a baby she wants to be super involved especially with the baby shower.  My MIL and SIL are throwing me one where we live (away from my home town) and my best friend calls and says she is actually quite hurt they didnt ask her to help plan- which my SIL and MIL don't love her (shes loud, crude...etc) but moreover they really just didnt think at all about her to plan it.


Whatever- it touched my heart she was hurt and wanted to be involved. She called my mom and said she wanted to help plan the baby shower in our home town.  Great. Wonderful. Whatever.

Now they try to get me involved with every single decision that needs to be made- and I keep saying I am good with whatever! You know the date and time work for me, unless u need me to do something or buy something you guys seem to have it covered.

Well- i get a call from my mom yesterday telling me how my bf was having a melt down about xyz in regards to the shower. Obvy my bf didnt want me to know she was having this melt down or else she would have called me herself.  Then today my mom calls and is like "I am kind of annoyed at her bcz blah blah blah.. " all in regards to the shower! I am like well you have just as much say in this as she does.... you guys can work it out.  

Why are you telling me? I honestly don't want/care/need to be thinking about the stressful part of planning my shower.  If i did I would plan it myself (which i know you don't do).  


vent over.  Thanks for reading 

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