3rd Trimester

Let's talk BFing...

With DD#1 I did everything by the book. I went to bfing classes before she was born. I bought a Medela super pricey pump. I didn't take any binky to the hospital with me. I read the material. I really did educate myself.

When Lo was born, I bf immediately. I kept her in the room with me to bf her every two hours. I tried different positions. I used the support of the nurses there to help me. I WAS MISERABLE! 

The nurses kept reminding me that it's super important to feed her every 2 hrs, which I did. But, even when they would take her into the nursery for tests (during the middle of the night by the way) they would say she would not calm down. They would bring her back with a binky in her mouth and tell me that I need to feed my kid. Then the morning nurse would come on shift and yell at me for giving her a binky (that the night shift gave her). It sucked.

I thought it would be better when we got home, but it was way worse. I know my milk came in because it would gush during a shower, but it seemed like it just dried up really fast. BFing was horrible. I still have scare tissue around my nipples! It was the most painful thing I ever did. I tried everything; I used all the lanolin/products I could. She would feed for an 1hr on one side and 1/2 hr on the other and be awake 1/2 hr later for more. After 2 weeks of absolute crazy, we took her to the pedi and found out that never regained her birth weight (born at 7lb 8 oz at 2 weeks 6lb 14oz)! 

So, all you successful moms, what happened to my milk? Did it just dry up? I even pumped a couple of times to see how much I was producing and I would get like 4oz a day. How do I keep this from happening this time? Already I'm worried. My pregnant friend was leaking every where at the end of her pregnancy, and I can't get a drop out of my worthless boobs! Suggestions?

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