3rd Trimester

Am I being unreasonable? (vent)

I am having 2 baby showers, one with SO's family and one with mine. My sister and SIL are throwing my shower (with some help from my mom) and when we were trying to decide where to have it my sister said we could use her BF's house. I thought that was wierd because they have had a on/off relationship for the past 2 years and they just recently got back together. It's also somewhat far from me and a lot of guests that we were inviting but I agreed because it is easier for them to have it at a house instead of paying for a hall.

Once we got the guest list together (which ended up being around 50 people) my SIL said there's no way we can have it at this house because it is to small (initially they were thinking it would be around 25-30 people). I was thinking the same as was my mom so I started looking for places. I found a hall, right by my house for only $75 (got a deal for knowing the people). I told my sister, SIL, and mom about it and everyone seemed to think it sounded okay. My mom said she wanted to pay for the hall and said that was a really good price. Then a couple days later I hear that my sister still wants it at her BF's house. Why I ask? Well he's been fixing his house up (since he bought it 2yrs ago) and he has been trying to hurry now that they were planning the shower there. So what...

So Sunday night my sister tells me that they are making out the invites on Monday and we need to decide on a location. Wait, wait, wait. I thought we already decided it would be at the hall...nope behind my back sister and SIL said we should still have it at the house. WTF SIL was the one who said it was to small to begin with. My sister made up all of these lame excuses like there not being a kitchen sink at the hall. I said there is a bar area with a sink. She said they are going to have to remember everything. I said I only live like a minute away, if you forget something we can run to my house. I told her that half the people we invited were coming from the side of town that the hall is on, including me. Then she said I was being a *** about it, so I said why are you even asking me then? I left in tears and my mom tells me the next day my sister got all upset about it too, why I don't know.

I am extremely grateful that they are doing this for me but I said we cannot invite all of these people and not have a place for them. Today I get a text from SIL all excited saying that they sent out the invites. Hmm I said that I wasn't aware that we had decided upon a location and asked where it was being held. She said her and my sister talked on Friday and figured everything out and that it's at the house. I responded that hopefully not a lot of people show up because we won't have enough room for them...SIL said it will be fine. Umm how? We can't make more space...

I'm sure everything will work out and that I'm stressing over nothing but I can't help it. I feel like this is one thing I felt very strongly about and they did what they wanted instead. Am I being unreasonable?

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