3rd Trimester


I'm 37 weeks today.  This is my 3rd pregnancy! I've had 2 girls before and now this is my little boy!  No problems with any pregnancies.  I went to the hospital when I was 34 weeks and 5 days, I believe, for contractions and cramping. They took a urine sample and blood sample and it showed no infections or anything.  Nothing ever showed up on the monitors and they kept me over night but never found anything wrong with me. They gave me an IV and some pain medication and sent me home the next day.  Yesterday I was 36 weeks and 6 days woke up with cramping and later found blood in my urine, where you can defenitly tell in the toilet.  I called the doctors and they told me to wait to see if it stopped and if not to go into the hospital.  That whole day I just relaxed and didnt really do anything. My cramping lasted all day long and it got to the point I started crying because it was painful and I couldnt stand it any longer.  "Sorry the blood in my urine did stop where you couldnt notice it anymore."  I called the doctor back and told them and they told me to go to the hopital.  I go in there and give them a urine sample and there blood again.  Hooked me up to monitors and nothing showed up on those.  They later came in and had to put a cafitor (not sure how to spell it) in to get a better sample of urine.  Foudn out my no bladder infection.  Finally went to get a sono done for my kidneys.  No kidney stones or infection.  They told me to drink lots of fluids to flush my kidneys.  They did say the baby is fine and theres no stress or anything wrong with him.  Hes very active and healhty heart beat and everything.  Right now I'm scared because I'm still bleeding and they said I will but I'm scared something is going to go wrong.  I dont know what to do.  I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem?  The blood is only in my urine. I do still have cramping this morning and blood.  I dont know if I should get a second opinion or what. I do have a doctors appointment on Friday. Oh and I am only 1 cm dialated.

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