3rd Trimester

I get to meet my son!!

Well things didn't work out as expected, I wanted a natural drug free birth, but baby and doctors have another idea. I went into my appointment today and was only one cm dialated, and the midwife couldn't feel the head, so she got me back into get an ultrasound within minutes of my routine appointment. Well baby is transverse (hes laying sideways) instead of head down or even breech, And they are worried about the amniotic fluid levals. They called me less then 2hrs later to let me know they went ahead and scheduled my c-section and told me to head into L&D at 10am tomorrow morning. My OB/GYN has a really low rate of C-Sections and even the first visit there they told me they only do c-sections if they are medically needed, so I really trust their judgement. I am a bit nervous because I've never had any kind of surgery or been in the hospital for anything other then asthma attacks. So I'm just not knowing what to expect as far as prep and pain. I just keep reminding myself that in less 12-14hrs I get to meet my little squishy face!
"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.
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