3rd Trimester

Looks like I'm still having an induction

I'm being induced Thursday (a few days before 40 weeks but it makes sense and I have a few minor medical conditions that would be better monitored during an induction). I went for my 39 week appointment today, hoping, praying, sensing that I had dialated more, nope. Still 1 cm, 30% effaced (have been for 3 appointments now). The doctor still feels I am a great candidate for the induction but when we were talking about how long I could labor before a c-section would even be discussed and when he said "days" I was taken aback!  I knew it wasn't going to be a quick process but I never imagined I would labor for a few days and still not a have a baby.  My baby is low, super low and it's now very painful to walk. I'm working tomorrow but I think my Maternity Leave is going to start Wedneday.

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