2nd Trimester

Measuring Ahead :)

I had my appointment today, and my due date is 07/25 but from the very beginning, I have always considered that date to be wrong. It was based off of my measurements from my first ultrasound I had around 6 weeks. There is no way I could of ovulated that late (not that i was tracking, but it was way off from 2 weeks after my last period.) When I went for my A/S they estimated 07/18 based on his growth. Seems right! I went today (been 5 weeks from my A/S) and my uterus is measuring at 10 days ahead... Whewhoo!! Most importantly, I wish for my son to be healthy. Secondly, I'd prefer a beginning of July baby so I get to enjoy the weather a little more then having to suffer through the month if its hot. I'm so excited!
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