3rd Trimester

Being Pregnant = No More Friends

Hi ladies,

I apologize for a pity post, but I wanted to see if anyone else has similar experiences.

I am still sort of new to the area I live in (2 years in June) and have only had a full time job for one year. It took a while for me to meet people, but once I finally built a group of friends, I was pregnant. Since I am 26, all of my friends are single and go out and drink on the weekends. They were still inviting me to the happy hours on the weekdays, and I would go to get some dinner and just hangout, but I have noticed for about a month now, they haven't invited me. It's okay that they haven't because being sober among a bunch of drunk people isn't a blast. This has left me with one person who I can still hang out with. While she is a truly kind person, she doesn't like children and we don't have much in common, so once baby comes, I am not sure this friendship will continue.

My husband doesn't understand since he still has all of his friends. He occasionally still goes to happy hours with them and every once in while (a rare while) he goes out on the weekends with them. He's in a volleyball league during the week, which I, of course, had to quit, and he just seems to have a very nice social life and this has left me feeling lonely.

I would never regret my decision to become a mother and I am so very excited to meet my son, but I have also come to realize that to continue any sort of social life, I will need a new network of friends. Hopefully I meet moms along, but it's too bad my other friends aren't into doing anything other than drinking.

Anyone else feeling left out?

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