3rd Trimester

I've officially hit the point of no patience! {vent}

I feel like this gradually came on during my pregnancy with DD, but it hit me like a load of bricks this weekend. I officially have NO PATIENCE with ANYONE! It's all I can do to be patient with DD (who's hit to terrible two's and needs all the patience I can muster up) and DH. We had to go hang out with DH's family yesterday and I just wanted to scream the entire time. His mom and step-dad are hard enough to handle for both of us no matter what, and all his siblings have to be taken with a grain of salt.. but I was having a really hard time with that last night! 

 To top it off, I am tired and stressed to the max. We have 11 weeks until my due date and DD isn't even close to being out of the nursery. We have done about nothing to her new room, and haven't even thought about getting the baby stuff out. We also are in the process of building a new barn/photography studio/storage center and plan to buy new living room furniture before the baby comes, because we need a sleeper sofa for my parents (we're taking the bed they've always slept in out to make it DD's room). And I keep having to go out of town for work, am working 40+ hours at my regular job, trying to run my photography business and DH is a farmer so this warm weather has him in the fields already. Aaannnd DH's sister is getting married Mother's Day weekend, so I've got all that stuff to worry about. I feel like I'm just going to explode! 

Sorry, I just really needed to vent! I'm not sure that there's anything I can do but take things one moment at a time... but I'm a little scared I might blow up at the next person who talks to me. And the funny part is, for the next three days I have to go to a Franklin Covey training where I'm going to learn all about what I'm doing wrong in life... I'm not sure I'm ready for this!  God grant me some patience! 

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