2nd Trimester

2nd time moms- registering?

Hi ladies! I hope everyone had a great weekend :))  

I actually plan to register no matter what because I want to receive the completion discount at the end of the pregnancy (God willing/knock wood). We plan to slowly purchase things along with way since BRU gives 20% discount coupons almost every time you shop there, but only one at a time and only good through a certain date- and figure we'll still have stuff left at the end we need to get.  

However, my mom is planning to host a sprinkle and I've made it clear I don't want anyone to know I've registered.  I think she'll honor that, but my best girlfriend thinks it is silly for me to register and not tell anyone.  I get what she's saying (that my friends/family attending might want to get us something we really want/need), but we are purchasing any big ticket items ourselves and I feel a sprinkle is more a little celebration where people can bring something small (if at all) and whatever THEY choose. I'm really feeling like I want to stick to my guns on the matter, but just wanted an outsider's perspective.  What do you think?

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