2nd Trimester

to find out or not!?!? wondering what to do!!

So my 20 week sonogram is Tuesday and my husband and I decided early in the pregnancy that we were going to be surprised.  Since then everyone has made their guesses, everyone thinks its a girl (except me!) and then we showed the 12 week profile of the baby (from the last sonogram) to a bunch of friends and they ALL said that it was a boy, bc "they could just tell"?? (based on the face profile and the hand? really?) anyway, all of this guessing now has me REALLY wondering and it's all I can think about. Husband will support either way - finding out now or waiting to be surprised - but I am wondering if I should stick with my gut and wait it out or go ahead and find out Tuesday (which makes me sooo excited, just to think about possibly knowing!).. anyone have 2 cents on whether or not they recommend waiting vs finding out?!?
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