3rd Trimester

Help me be tactful with DH

This summer is going to be crazy. Between buying and moving into a new house, LO scheduled for June 15 and DH's summer coaching job, we have very few free weekends. My mom is able to come stay with me the first couple weekends that DH has basketball this summer, but I am obviously counting on him being home the few weekends he doesn't have games. He has practices on week days and runs an open gym summer weekdays for his school bball team. He is busy :(.

Last night, he told me that our friend (who always has some odd job for him) has a "gig" for him saturday nights this summer.

I made a calender and color coded everything he has this summer and we have very few weekends. I'd appreciate him being home with me and eventually LO and I those weekneds.

We really don't need the money, but he is a saver and jumps at any chance he can get to make extra money in the summer (as we are teachers).

 How do I approach this? Perhaps once LO is here he won't want to be gone every weekend- but I'm not sure.

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