3rd Trimester

So angry!

DH and I got into an argument this afternoon .... and now I'm so mad I can't see straight, I want to punch things, throw things, break things, and I can't calm down. I can't remember being so short-fused/out-of-control angry since I was a kid.

I think I'm over-reacting because of the hormones. I feel that I have a right to be a little upset on one level and on the other hand I'm feeling this rage that I can't work out in ways that I normally would. I can't take a walk or go for a run because I'd probably collapse two blocks away. All of my angry music is in storage, and so is my piano. I've been punching pillows and smashing boxes to try to work it out, and it's not helping.

And you know what? The argument was silly. Maybe it's just scratching the surface of some deeper issues, but we were talking about our plans to move to London next year, and what neighborhoods we might be interested in living in, and what markets they had there. Marks and Spencer comes up, and I laughed because the only thing I know about M&S is that's where Fenchurch got her underwear in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And DH jumps down my throat like, "you don't know what you're talking about!" That's when I got angry because he couldn't take an HGG reference as a joke. Talking about and planning for this move has been really stressful on both of us because we're moving for his career and the timing is lousy for the baby and for me and my career, but I've been coming around and we've been working on making sure the move works for both of us. But I feel like he doesn't even give me a chance to make a light-hearted comment about it now because the idea of it was so hard for me when the job opportunity first came up. And that's why I got angry....

.... but that was hours ago and I still can't seem to calm myself down. This can't be good for the baby. Any tips on how I can get all this adrenaline out of my system? 

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