3rd Trimester

nurse gave me crap for 1 pound!

At my last appointment when I went in to see the nurse for my usual pee in a cup and getting weighed she notcied that I had gained 5 pounds instead of the usual 4 pounds in 4 weeks like your supposed to. She went on and on about how I need to watch it and that I am to absolutely under no circumstances gain any more weight in the next 4 weeks. I've been gaining really well so far. I'm only up to 25 pounds total and the woman had the nerve to make a big deal out of 1 flippin pound?! Common woman!

Not to mention that this is the same nurse that wrote down my weight wrong three times in a row. She kept writing down I was 10 pounds heavier than what the scale said each time. She wasn't too happy when I politely asked her to correct it since I wanted my information to be correct when the doctor gets it. :P Maybe thats why she doesn't like me... lol

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