3rd Trimester

XP: In early labor... confused...

Ok... I have had 1 CS, 1 VBAC and trying for a 2VBAC.

Today, was my due date. I went in for NST and baby was not happy. Her HR was dropping, but not accelerating, so they sent me to L&D. Took them 7 hours to get a good reading. Doc was waiting and waiting and trying to decide whether to just take her. Finally, she looked perfect, textbook good... and after 3 full bags of fluid, I was still having contrations every 5-7 minutes ALL day (8am to 7pm monitored). And still am, no change, and it's midnight.

So, doc doesn't want me contracting like that for too awful long before he is going to start talking C-section.

What's odd is that with my first two, I either had mild contractions that trailed off OR had horrendous contrax that finally got to 5 minutes apart. What I'm having today are mild, real feeling but not bad at all I can talk/walk/breathe through every one of them even though there is pain.... but doc says he isn't comfortable calling them BH... even though they did not change my cervix all day.

 I go back at 8am for another NST and he either wants these contrax to have changed something and he'll consider breaking my water to get things going more OR talk Csection. He doesn't want mild 5-7 min contractions going on and on and on forever.

Ive never had this problem. What makes them stay SO steady, yet not increase in pain??!!! Confused to say the least!!!  

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