3rd Trimester

Weirdish stomach/other pain.

So, earlier today I had a pain in my stomach that was like a sharp pain, and then it kinda felt like it radiated down to my vagina/uterus area.  I thought maybe it was BH, so I got up and drank some water, but it hurt to get up and walk.  Once I drank water, the pain downstairs went away, but I still had stomach pain.  By this point, I had called the OB office, and left a message for the OB's nurse on call.  They called back (an hour later) and said if it happened again, to let them know.  I shifted to a more comfortable position, but it still hurt after 5 minutes.  Eventually LO moved, and it went away, but I'm still wondering what it was.  Was it just the way LO was lying, or a limb against a nerve that was pressing on my stomach?


Have any of you had that before? 

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