3rd Trimester

Compression sock recommendation?

I think it's that time... I have one pair I bought from Amazon, but they aren't comfortable to wear all day, and are super slippery so my shoes are always sliding off (I wear Dansko clogs) - something made of a real sock material instead of slipper panty hose material would be great.

Has anyone found some good ones?   I'm willing to invest if they will work...

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
? BFP 11/20/10 hb 12/14/10 natural m/c 12/25/10 at 8w3d ?

? BFP 9/18/11 DD born 5/17/12 at 38w3d ?

Fateful appt. 2/11: Saline sono - polyp; thyroid nodule; mycoplasma/ureaplasma STD found & treated ? 3/17/11: Hysteroscopy to remove polyp ? Total thyroidectomy (papillary carcinoma) 4/4/11; RAI 5/9/11
Cancer killed! 5/19/11
Medical green-light to TTC 8/15/11..BFP 9/18/11! <a href="http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/mmperea/Decorated images/?action=view
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