2nd Trimester

Now I have a fourth due date...?

I went to the hospital yesterday after a car wreck (thankfully everyone involved, including baby and I, is fine), and while they were checking that baby was alright, they measured her. I thought I was 22 weeks today, but they said that she was measuring 22 weeks 5 days! My reaction was "WHOAH, hold on!" and they said "oh, well, listen to what the OB's office tells you over what we've said, because we weren't really trying too hard to get the measurements".

This is the fourth due date I've been given. Way before my first OB visit, I went to the ER for stomach cramps and I was given the due date of 27th July. They gave me that date based on crown-rump length; the last day of my last period; and date of conception. I know that date of conception is a bit iffy, but DH was away for two months for training and only came home for one night. That's when we, er, did the deed. I get that conception could have happened a few days after that, but there's no possible way I could have conceived before that night; so there's no way my due date can be earlier than 27th July.

At my first OB visit, they told me my due date was 18th July. They were figuring this out from my first day of my last period, and even though I told them I didn't know the first day, they were sticking by that. But then they found a cyst on the baby's brain and sent me to a specialist, told him that my due date is 22nd July! The specialist couldn't confirm my due date because he wasn't looking for that, he was just looking for the cyst, and my incompetant OB didn't send him anything that he needed to figure that out.

I don't understand what's going on here. Why have I been given so many different due dates? And why are all of them BEFORE my original due date, which just isn't possible? Which one am I supposed to believe?
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