3rd Trimester

Help me be tactful so I dont flip out on a good friend

Okay so on top of all the regular aches and pains that come with pregnancy I have high blood pressure and my gall bladder got very bad and my baby is too big for it to be removed so I am on meds to control it until I can have it removed. I'm in a fair amount of pain even with the percoset they have prescribed me. My house cleaning has been a little lax I normally keep a very clean home. My friend and her husband live with us and I got an email from her saying she wants us to clean together when she gets home. I wanted to ask her if she was out of her mind when my body is to sore to actually bend over how she thinks I'm going to be cleaning the house top to bottom. Its not like its gross now its cluttered and a bit dishelved but not like its filthy. I need to find a way to politely remind her that I'm not physically capable of doing these things right now without wanting to scream since I'm already so frustrated about the situation as it is
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