3rd Trimester

Some nurses need to have sensitivity training (vent)

I just barely failed my GTT so I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and need to see a specialist.  I had my first appointment yesterday and they gave me an ultrasound.  One of the major concerns if you have GD is that the baby will get too big.  I was 30 weeks yesterday and the baby was measuring 30 weeks and 2 days.  The nurse saw this and said ?you?re having a big baby.?  I said ?really?   It?s only 2 days off.?  To which she responded that the baby is in the 54th percentile.  Um, 54th percentile basically means average!  And ultrasounds are notoriously inaccurate to measure the baby?s exact size.

Also, I have been testing my blood sugar and showed my results to the nurse.  Most of the numbers were in the range they need to be but my breakfast yesterday was a bit high.  The nurse looked at my numbers and said ?what happened at breakfast?!??  When the doctor came in and looked at my numbers she said that a high number once in a while was normal and she wouldn?t even give the high number a second thought.

Geez?. Thanks nurse for taking an already tense situation and blowing it out or proportion!

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