3rd Trimester

How Much Have You/ Did You Gain?

I'm currently 39w4d pregnant. This whole time I've tried to monitor my weight gain(thinking I've done pretty good considering I dont own a scale), but now I'm feeling like I gained too much.

My pre-pregnancy weight was 137, while I'm 5'6. Because of having hg my weight went down to 111 by the end of August(which is a weight I havnt been at since jr.high). Once I was on zofran it only took a matter of weeks to get back up to my pre-pregnancy weight. Since then I've slowly and steadily gained weight. At my 37 week appointment I was 173plds. This kind of shocked me since it meant I gained the whole 35 pounds I read about in books. With that in mind I started eating better, and going for my nightly walks again.(after being on bedrest for over a month I became somewhat of a couch potato)

Well I missed my 38 week appointment and when I went in for my 39 week one I was in shock. The scale read 183! About a week ago I began swelling like crazy(which lead to 176) so part of its from that.

But as of now, I've gained 46 pounds! I dont know if there are any other mothers who feel odd about their weight as well, or not. But I know this is crazy for me, expecially since I've always been a rather slender, in-shape person.


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