2nd Trimester

My hips and back hurt ..

I feel like someone is in between my hips pulling them apart! OUCH .. and then my back all the way up to my neck hurts! I have a headache too and that's not helping!

Oh the joys of being pregnant .. and I get to have it times two .. LOL  I am expecting twins. Boy/girl twins.

Doc said my belly is measuring at 25 weeks .. I will be 20 weeks on Sunday. I have only gained 2 lbs this whole pregnancy so far. I am not to my pre pregnancy weight yet. The first four months I had such severe morning sickness I was losing weight. Never phased the babies they just kept growing and growing .. and moving all over! Kind of amazing if you think about it!  

Anyone else enjoying all these pains with me? Tylenol isn't helping .. at all!  

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