2nd Trimester

Help me convince DH not to be team green!!

With our first, it wasn't even really a question, I just HAD to know, DH didnt really have a strong opinion either way, we found out and it was great, no regrets at all.

This time around DH really wants to be team green, I did consider the possibility for a while but then it just hit me the other day that I REALLY want to know. I guess I'm just not one for surprises and I feel like if I don't know I will be thinking about whether there's a little boy or girl in there every single day and I will eventually go crazy.. But that's just me. 

I tried suggesting we do a gender reveal party to make the announcement just as exciting but he still wants to be team green. Also suggested I find out and keep it a secret from him but we both agreed that I'm not capable of such a task!

What else can I say/do to help sway him? What if we never come to an agreement!? Anyone else have this problem?

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