2nd Trimester

Measuring Big

Some background.  This is my 4th baby and with each one I have had gestational diabetes.  My first 2 were controlled with diet and the 3rd and this one I have been on Glyburide.  Now there is a family history of big babies (my husband was 9 lbs 13 oz, his brother 10lbs 10oz, my brother 9 lbs 7 oz) and my first 2 were 9 lbs 13 oz each and my 3rd was 11 lbs 10oz. 

Today I went to the doctor and I am about 26 1/2 weeks per my early ultrasound which gave me a due date of 7/1 (which I know is late but they won't change it).  However, when the dr measured fundal height I am at 33 cms.  7 ahead of where I "should be".  Dr said even with my history of big babies and GD that is still a really big difference.  I go to have an ultrasound in 2 weeks but was just wondering if anyone else had experience of measuring that far ahead?  If you did, what did they do about your due date?   I am scheduled for a RCS on 6/26 but dr even said today I probably won't make it that far but they can't change it since hospital policy only lets them schedule during the 39th week off of earliest ultrasound.

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