3rd Trimester

40 weeks, 3 days, and 0 cm

I'm 40 weeks this week, past my due date, and went to the doctor yesterday. I was having some mild contractions and had started losing my mucus plug. Had an internal exam and was disappointed to find out that I am 0 cm dilated and only 20% effaced. She used the words "very tightly closed."

I'll go back tomorrow for a non-stress test, an u/s to check fluids, and to schedule induction for next Friday (provided nothing happens before then). Since the appointment yesterday, I've been having stronger contractions that are more consistent.

I hear about some ladies being dilated for days/weeks ahead of labor, so I'm curious to hear from anyone that was not dilated at all. Is it possible that I could begin dilating quickly once things really get going?  

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