3rd Trimester

The strangest, yet very serious symptom I had no clue about.

So last monday (3-12) I went to my OB appt for my 35.5 week check up, by the end of the appointment I was being sent to the hospital and was there on monitored bed rest until they decided to induce me on friday night, and my daughter was born on Saturday (3-17). I had been being monitored for possible pre-eclampsia (which I did develop) but I also developed Cholistasis of pregnancy. The symptom that sent me to the hospital? I had been itching all over my body. 

The scary thing (and the reason they decided not to wait to induce labor) is that while Cholistasis is moderately dangerous for me - my liver stops being able to filter bile salts and they build up in the skin making it itchy - they can build up in the baby's heart making it possible that her heart could suddenly stop with no warning. 

I thought I was itchy due to allergies or pollen. Mentioning this probably saved my baby's life. Just want to give everyone a heads up. 

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