2nd Trimester

Hooray for boys! (with one small vent...)

So, DH and I went to the 20 week u/s today, and learned we are having a boy! Of course we'd have been excited either way, but it's so cool to know what we're having...and already I love thinking about the baby as our little boy...

 But I said I had one small vent, and here it is: I've posted before about how my FIL has felt the need to remind DH and I, constantly, that we can't be 100% sure of the sex of the baby until the birth: (http://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/63975577.aspx).  I know he means well, but I find that when he says things like that, it just stresses me out. The last time the topic of the sex of the baby came up when the family was all together, DH and I told FIL that these days, the 20 week u/s was a pretty surefire way of telling the sex, and that the guess would be 98% accurate (not sure if that's true, but we said that just so he'd hopefully get the message).

Anyway, after our u/s today, DH e-mailed his family to tell them we're having a boy. We got one veeeery happy, excited e-mail from MIL, and then a few minutes later,THIS message from FIL. 

"Can't wait to see the new ultrasounds!  As before, all we really want is a healthy baby, boy or girl.  If it truly is a boy (we should all wait for another U/S for confirmation), then [DH] will be following in his father's footsteps, in producing boys."

 Okay, so that "producing boys" comment kind of rubbed me the wrong way, but I'll let that go for now. It's just that I can't believe, once again, that FIL feels the need to to tell us that we can't be sure about the sex of the baby. Really, can't he just let us be excited for even one day? Aaarrrrgggghhh....

Don't get me wrong, I know that this really isn't a big deal, but it's just become sort of a pet peeve of mine. It's bugging DH too. He's talked to his dad about it a few times (including twice today) and FIL just keeps saying, "You know they were pretty sure that your brother was going to be a girl..." Yeah, because you've only told us *that* story about a hundred times!

Okay, vent over now...time to be happy about our little boy again! 

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